Competitors Comparison

Chat Data V.S. Chatbase

We compare the functionalities and pricing of Chat Data with those of Chatbase, which has a larger user base due to stronger marketing efforts. However, more marketing does not necessarily equate to delivering greater value to its customers. Our comparison highlights why Chat Data offers more value through its features and pricing.

Live Chat Escalation

While AI chatbots excel at handling general inquiries, there are instances where human intervention becomes necessary. This could involve tasks like issuing refunds, modifying orders, or addressing queries beyond the chatbot's knowledge base. In such cases, enabling human escalation within the chatbot interface offers a smoother experience compared to redirecting users to email support.

  • Chatbase: Live chat escalation is not offered.
  • Chat Data: Offers Live Chat escalation at no additional cost for the standard and professional plan. Our AI bot can manage the query while you are unavailable. Users can escalate their request to you, or you can join the conversation at any time. Chat Data Live Escalation

Data Transparency

Unlike Chatbase, which limits access to text extracted from documents or websites, Chat Data guarantees full transparency. We recognize the critical need for users to be fully informed about the specifics of the text being extracted. This is particularly vital when dealing with text from documents that turns out to be random unicode. While Chatbase may obscure this issue by indicating successful text extraction, we at Chat Data ensure you are always fully informed about the extraction process, keeping you in the loop at all times.

Chatbase PDFs parsing

The text within this document utilizes special Unicode encoding. Direct extraction results in numerous random characters. Chatbase conceals the text and obscures this issue.

Chat Data PDFs parsing Chat Data ensures complete transparency by providing full visibility of the text extracted from documents, keeping you fully informed about the text being utilized for training.

Website Crawling

Chatbase has struggled with scraping some websites, often misreporting successful crawls without actually completing them. For instance, it failed to properly crawl certain URLs but reported them as successfully crawled. Chat Data effectively navigates these challenges, offering accurate and transparent crawling results. Here is an example of a failed crawling at Chatbase

Chatbase Website Scraping The URL is expected to contain more than 1000 characters. However, Chatbase only reports a successful crawl of 328 characters, failing to display the extracted content. is the second biggest consumer real estate website and Chatbase cannot detect any characters from this website.

Chat Data Website Scraping Chat Data efficiently extracts the actual content from web pages. By clicking on the Eye icon, you have the ability to view and verify the exact text that has been extracted from the website.

Characters Capacity

The character limits for Chatbase's standard and professional plans are identical to those of its hobby plan, which is not logical. Chat Data ensures that higher-tier plans offer increased character capacities, providing greater value for our users.

Chat Data -VS- Chatbase Capacity Comparison

PlanChat Data PriceChatbase PriceChatbot Capacity (characters/chatbot)Chat Data Number of ChatbotsChatbase Number of Chatbots

Shopify&WooCommerce Integration

Chatbase lacks the capability to automatically synchronize inventory and product updates from Shopify or WooCommerce stores, meaning it does not facilitate direct inventory syncing with your online store. Conversely, Chat Data enables direct synchronization of products from your Shopify or WooCommerce store and provides recommendations based on the most recent inventory updates. By utilizing Chat Data, you have the advantage of even opening your online store within OpenAI's GPTs store. For more comprehensive details, please refer to those two blogs:

Discord Integration

Chatbase lacks the capability to integrate with Discord, limiting its utility for communities and teams that rely on this platform for communication. Chat Data supports the Discord integration without code.

Extracting Tables

Chatbase's inability to extract table content from websites and PDFs limits the accuracy of answers based on tabulated data. Chat Data has successfully addressed this issue, ensuring that users can rely on precise extractions for improved accuracy.

Chatbase Table Extraction Chat Data efficiently extracts the actual content from web pages. By clicking on the Eye icon, you have the ability to view and verify the exact text that has been extracted from the website. You are left in the dark regarding what is extracted from the website. In reality, that page shouldn't contain 39,105 characters. It appears Chatbase may have erred during the crawling process, possibly extracting unnecessary elements such as the <head> element, which inflates the website content unnecessarily.

Chat Data Table Extraction Chat Data transparently displays the extracted tables from website links and accurately formats them for chatbot training. This guarantees precise answers to your questions.

Backend Adaptability

Chatbase is limited to constructing AI chatbots solely with the data you supply. In contrast, Chat Data not only enables the creation of AI chatbots using your data but also offers access to pre-trained, HIPAA-compliant medical models. This allows for immediate use without the need for further training on your part. Additionally, Chat Data offers cost-effective solutions by allowing you to directly integrate backend APIs, like the OpenAI AI assistant API, into our system. Please check this Github Repository for more details. This approach ensures your data remains private and secure.

Chat Data Key Features Summary

  • Live Chat Escalation Support: We support both AI and Live Chat Escalation.
  • Ready-to-use Models: We provide medical models that you can directly use if you don't have time to train with your own data.
  • API Integration: Integrate Chat Data seamlessly with your existing systems for a cohesive user experience.
  • Webhook Delivery: Deliver chat events in real time to your chosen endpoint.
  • Lead Engagement: Keep leads engaged by providing access to information and gathering crucial data from them.
  • Audio-Based Training: Train your chatbot using text extracted from audio or live video streams, ensuring versatility in data acquisition and adaptation.
  • HIPAA Compliance: Utilize specialized models for medical inquiries, ensuring data privacy and compliance.
  • Multi-Platform Deployment: Beyond website integration, Chat Data extends its reach to popular platforms like WordPress, WooCommerce, Shopify, Discord, WhatsApp, and Slack, enabling users to deploy chatbots where their audience resides or where they predominantly engage.
  • Reseller Plan Available: White-Label Option Enables Brand Customization for Enhanced Branding Consistency.
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