Multi-platform Integrations

Slack Bot Integration

Learn how to integrate your chatbot with Slack to respond in your Slack workspace.

Step 1: Create Your Customer AI Chatbot

Follow the Chatbot Creation section to create your chatbot based on your own needs.

Step 2: Integrate Your AI Chatbot with Slack

2.1: Complete the following prerequisites

  1. Add as the Redirect URL in the OAuth & Permissions tab. Slack Redirect Urls

  2. Enable Events in the Event Subscriptions tab. The Request URL should be{chatbotId}, where the chatbot_id is the id of your chatbot. Subscribe to the following bot events: app_mention,, and team_join.

  • app_mention allows the Slack bot to respond to messages in a public channel when the user tags your Slackbot.
  • enables the Slack bot to respond to direct messages from users.
  • team_join greets new users who join your workspace and introduces the capabilities of your Slack bot with the initial messages and suggested messages set in the Chat Data interface setting. You can subscribe to the above 3 bot events based on your own needs. Slack Events Subscription
  1. Turn on Always Show My Bot as Online and allow Direct messages. Because your bot is always ready to answer questions from customers, it's recommended to always show your Slack bot as online. The Direct message tab should also be turned on. Otherwise, users cannot message your bot. Both options can be found in the App Home tab, as shown below:

Always Show My Bot as Online Slack Bot Always Online Tab

Direct Message Checkbox Slack Bot Direct Message Checkbox

2.2: Locate the Slack Integration

Navigate to the Integrations tab in your chatbot menu. Click the Add to Slack button to start the integration process. After entering the Client ID, Client Secret, and Signing Secret for your Slack app (available in the Basic Information tab), click the connect button. A pop-up window will then appear, seeking authorization to integrate the chatbot with the selected Slack workspace. For a visual guide, refer to the video demo.

2.3: Engage with Your Bot

Engage with the chatbot by tagging (@) it, responding directly, or sending a direct message. Please be aware that the chatbot will only respond when tagged or upon receiving direct messages. Additionally, when a new member joins the workspace, the bot will greet them with initial messages if it has subscribed to the team_join event, for example: Slack Bot Welcome Message

Step 3: Broadening Your Slack Chatbot's Horizon: Installation Across Workspaces

Expanding the reach of your Slack chatbot beyond the initial workspace can significantly amplify its utility and accessibility. This process not only democratizes access to your bot's functionalities but also fosters a wider adoption across diverse Slack environments. Here's how you can seamlessly share your chatbot, allowing for its installation in countless other workspaces:

  1. Update the Redirect URL Configuration: Begin by adding a new redirect URL,{chatbotId} to your Slack App's OAuth & Permissions settings. This step is crucial for authorizing the chatbot's integration with other workspaces. Slack App Redirect URL

  2. Enable Easy Installation for Others: Share the specially crafted URL,{chatbotId}, inviting others to integrate the chatbot into their own workspaces. By simply navigating to this link, users can initiate the installation process, bringing the power of your chatbot to their Slack environment.

  3. Promote Your Bot for Public Installation: For broader visibility, incorporate the above URL{chatbotId} on your website or as part of your Slack App's installation instructions. This ensures that anyone interested in leveraging your chatbot's capabilities can do so with ease, enhancing the tool's adoption rate. Slack App installation URL

Step 4: Publishing to the Slack App Directory

Having developed and refined your Slack AI chatbot, the next milestone is its publication on the Slack App Directory, a platform that can dramatically increase your bot's visibility and user base.

  1. Finalize App Distribution Settings: Complete the "Management Distribution" section within your Slack App settings. This step is essential for ensuring your app meets all requirements for public distribution.

  2. Submit for Review: Click on the "Review & Submit" button to forward your Slack app for official evaluation by the Slack review team. This is a crucial stage where your app is evaluated for compliance with Slack's standards and guidelines.

  3. Achieve Public Listing: Once approved, your Slack app will be published to the Slack App Directory, making it accessible to a global audience. This not only enhances the visibility of your chatbot but also positions your innovation within a trusted repository of Slack applications.

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