Advanced Features

Topics of User Messages

When the number of messages is large, you want to categorize the messages into different topics so that you can better understand user behavior, understand what users want to know most about your business, and improve the chatbot's performance on the most common topics. To do this, we run a cron job to periodically classify user messages into different topics and show the topics by timeline or pie chart.

Topics of User Messages

The topics of user messages are classified by the selected list of topics. We have curated 50 topics covering all industries and run a cron job which finishes every 24 hours to classify user messages into the selected topics.

Topics of User Messages

The topics are shown in the Analysis Dashboard and can also be emailed to you via the weekly/monthly summary email.

Topic Updates

You can update the list of topics in the Settings > Analysis tab to narrow down the topics to match your business. This will add granularity to the topics classification and improve the accuracy of the classification.

Update Topics

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