Multi-platform Integrations

Messenger Integration

Integrating Facebook Messenger with Chat Data empowers your custom chatbot to communicate directly with customers through your Facebook pages. This powerful combination not only automates responses but also allows you to seamlessly take over conversations whenever needed, providing a perfect balance of efficiency and personal touch.

By connecting Messenger to Chat Data, you'll create a versatile system that handles inquiries automatically while giving you the flexibility to engage with customers directly at any time. Additionally, you can leverage our provided Make workflow template to send messages in batches, further enhancing your ability to reach out to multiple customers efficiently.

This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of linking your chatbot to Messenger for your Facebook pages, ensuring smooth, effective, and personalized customer interactions. It will also cover how to use the Make workflow template for batch messaging.

Connect Messenger with Chat Data

  1. Go to Dashboard > [Chatbot] > Integrations.
  2. Select the Messenger integration card. Messenger integration card
  3. Click the Connect button in the pop-up window. Messenger integration pop-up
  4. If this is the first time, you will be asked for permission to allow Chat Data to use your information. Note: if you have integrated some pages and would like to modify your selection, pick the Edit Previous Settings option. Sign in with Facebook Messenger
  5. Select the Facebook Page you want to connect to your chatbot. Select Facebook Page
  6. Review and grant the necessary permissions for the integration. Grant permissions
  7. Confirm everything and click got it to close the pop-up window. The integration may take a few moments to finish. Integration in progress
  8. Once completed, you'll see a success message and your connected Facebook Page. Integration complete

With the integration now active, your chatbot is ready to respond to all messages received through Facebook Messenger.

For testing purposes, you can scan the QR code provided in step 8 using your smartphone camera to message your Messenger bot. Additionally, you can access the INBOX link to navigate to your Facebook Business Suite inbox, allowing you to directly respond to customers as part of a human takeover.

Renew Your Integration Before the Access Token Expires

Please note that the Messenger integration requires manual renewal of the access token every 60 days. There is no automated way to renew the token without your intervention. We will send you a notification email 10 days before the access token expires. Alternatively, you can manually renew the access token before the expiration date, which will extend its validity for another 60 days.

The Human Takeover Feature

The human takeover feature empowers you to seamlessly assume control of any chat conversation and interact directly with users. This functionality operates at the individual conversation level, allowing you to selectively disable the chatbot's responses for specific interactions via the dashboard.

To enable human takeover for a particular conversation:

  1. Access the Activity section through either the Navbar or the messenger dashboard.

  2. Locate and select the conversation with Messenger as the source.

Select the Messenger conversation

  1. Click the bot icon in the top right corner of the conversation window to open the control modal.

Open the Messenger takeover modal

  1. Use the toggle switch to deactivate the chatbot for this conversation.

Deactivate the Messenger chatbot

  1. Click the INBOX link to access your Facebook Business Suite inbox. From here, you can directly message the user through the Facebook Business Messenger interface. With the chatbot deactivated, your AI assistant will not intervene in the conversation. If the chatbot remains active, both you and the AI can respond to the user.

  2. To re-enable the chatbot's participation in the conversation, simply click the slashed bot icon again and toggle the switch back on. This allows the AI to manage the interaction when you're unavailable.

Re-enable the Messenger chatbot

Sending Messenger Messages in Batch

Utilize our Make workflow template to send Messenger messages using the page access token from your integrated Messenger account. Note that messages can only be sent to users who have previously interacted with your Messenger pages, as the PSID is page-specific. Messenger integration credentials Below is a step-by-step guide on sending a Messenger template message using the Make workflow template.

  1. Create a scenario based on the Make workflow template for Messenger.
  2. Configure the Chat Data's Get the Leads module with your API key from Chat Data.
  3. Select the chatbot from which you want to fetch leads and set the source to Messenger to retrieve leads specifically from Messenger. Set up the Get the Leads module
  4. Run the first module once to populate the fields and verify the data. The operations should return a list of users with the psid field. Run the Get the Leads module
  5. Use the Iterator module to iterate over the users with the Array "psid". Iterator module
  6. Create your Messenger connection in the third module. Enter the page access token provided. Set up the Messenger connection
  7. Configure the parameters in the third module with the Page Scoped User ID (PSID) as the key "psid". Set the Message Type to Message Tag and the Message Tag to Human Agent. This allows the chatbot to send messages beyond the automatic message window. Add the message you wish to send in the text field. Click OK to save the changes. Set up the parameters in the third module
  8. Click the Run Once button to trigger the workflow. Messenger messages should be sent to the list of users. Note that some users may fail to receive messages if their page has been deleted or if their PSID is associated with a different page. You can just ignore those failures as long as some of the users were successfully sent messages. Run the workflow
  9. Review the operations of the third module to confirm successful message delivery to PSIDs. Check the operations of the third module
  10. Set the schedule in the first module to trigger the workflow at your desired frequency, such as daily at 20:00 PDT. Set up the schedule
  11. Save and activate the workflow.
WhatsApp Integration